Trampolining is not meant for children only …

The health benefits of trampoline exercise are numerous and scientific studies have further concluded that jumping on a trampoline is one of the most effective forms of exercises designed by man – It will surely make one look younger.

Dr. James White from the University of California San Diego says that rebounding as a form of exercise can be compared to the fountain of youth due to its youthful effect. He also stated that it was effective in improving symptoms among 80% of the patients reporting to the rehabilitation lab.


As an exercise program, the trampoline is suitable for people starting to exercise from the beginning. You can start bouncing gently and progress to higher heights and more challenging routines. Trampoline exercises have a low impact stress on your joints compared to running.


Using the trampoline reduces body fat which is beneficial in preventing diabetes and other conditions. It provides aerobic exercise which is good for your lungs, heart and the entire respiratory system such that it provides energy for your body when it is worn out. All of these actions are helpful in the prevention of heart diseases.


Regular exercise on the trampoline helps in fighting depression. It is popularly known that exercising in general helps prevent and combat depression. Trampolining is more appropriate with the presence of the fear factor. The fear stimulates the production of adrenaline which puts one in a good mood and enjoy the bouncing more. On a more scientific note, the trampoline helps normalize the blood pressure and thus prevent cardiovascular diseases and lower cholesterol and triglyceride levels.


Can you picture a solution to constant back and neck pains or other pains caused by lack of exercise and adequate physical activity? Have you had sleepless nights lately? If you are feeling stressed, it might be caused by lack of physical activity. Regular exercise on the trampoline could easily relieve the stress and the body will be more relaxed allowing you to have more time to be proactive.


Own a Trampoline in Kenya by ordering a Hudora German quality Trampoline from Thrifty Enterprises Limited. This will surely be the best investment you will have made for your family in your lifetime!



HUDORA trampolines have been tested and certified under EU legislation and fully complies with German standards of TUV and GS for health and safety.

To order call: +254722724893



Quality Trampolines in Kenya


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