Bouncing Your Way to Health

Trampolines in Kenya

Trampolines in Kenya are often considered as play items for kids and teenagers. However, they can actually offer people of all ages a great way to keep fit while having fun.


If you think that you are too old to use a trampoline then think again.


Exercise enthusiasts are warming up to the idea of doing this ‘bouncy workout’. This kind of exercise burns calories and greatly increases agility. A trampoline workout will also make you feel energized and keep you in a great state of mind because the bouncing movement increases the heart rate.


This is a great cardiovascular alternative when you want a break from the common exercises which most Kenyans are used to such as cycling, jogging and aerobics.


Advantages of a trampoline workout


Enhancing cardiovascular health


Extensive research done on inactive individuals as well as active sports enthusiasts showed a marked improvement in the cardiovascular health of both sets of participants who were subjected to regular half hour trampoline exercises.


The study also showed that there was not much difference between the amounts of calories burned during other cardiovascular exercises over the same period.  For instance a half hour treadmill session was shown to have almost the same effect on ones’ cardiovascular health as a trampoline exercise done over the same amount of time.


Leg strengthening


A study on college students who were subjected to half an hour of trampoline rebounding exercises two times a week showed a significant increase in leg strength and power. The same results have been witnessed by gymnasts who often conduct trampoline sessions for strength and agility conditioning.


Relatively easy


The fact that people consider trampoline bouncing a fun experience makes it easier for people to participate.


For instance, if you are to be told to choose between a 30 minute run or a 30 minute session on a trampoline, it is highly unlikely that you would choose the former (unless you are one of our award winning Olympians!).


The fact is that using a trampoline is relatively easy and usually more pleasurable than most forms of exercises.


Other great benefits of bouncing your way to fitness include:


  • Improvement of balance
  • Enhancing body co-ordination
  • Lymphatic drainage – clearing of lymphatic system which helps in preventing illness
  • Promotes loss of weight (and keeping the kilos at bay)

Ensuring your workout is safe


Starting a trampoline workout is highly recommended, but at the same time, it important to ensure that your exercise regime is carried out safely.  Here are some tips that will help you along:


  • Your trampoline is supposed to be set up on an even surface that is not slippery. This is to avoid any tumbles or slippage.
  • The trampoline should be kept away from furniture or walls because they may cause unnecessary lateral movement
  • Make sure that the frame, hooks and springs of the trampoline are properly covered with pads in order to avoid injuries in-case you land on any of these components
  • Novices are advised to use protective clothing and shoes that offer proper ankle support
  • Reducing the vertical height while jumping will not only control your movement but also increase the intensity of the workout


Thrifty Enterprises ensures that you get the best, German quality trampolines. Therefore, go ahead and order one today and enjoy all the benefits above.

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