Trampoline in Kenya and Tanzania

The Detoxification Effect of Trampolining in Kenya and Tanzania

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Using an indoor mini trampoline in Kenya and Tanzania ( has proven benefits for the body’s lymphatic system, often neglected by other forms of exercise. The lymphatic system is the metabolic garbage can of the body. It rids you of toxins such as dead cells, nitrogenous wastes, infectious viruses, heavy metals, and other assorted junk cast off by the cells. The lymphatic system fights bacterial and viral infections and transports waste products out of the body. Lymph fluid relies heavily upon muscle contractions to help it transport itself around the body. Unlike the arterial system, the lymphatic system does not have its own pump. It has no heart muscle to move the fluid around through its lymph vessels. There are just three ways to activate the flow of lymph away from the tissues it serves and back into the main pulmonary circulation. Lymphatic flow requires muscular contraction from exercise and movement, gravitational pressure, and internal massage to the valves of lymph ducts.

Rebounding on a mini trampoline in Kenya and Tanzania supplies all three methods of removing waste products from the cells and from the body. The accelerating and decelerating movements of rebounding exercise a huge range of the body’s muscles, and exercises the thousands of one-way lymph valves and ducts. The lymph fluid moves through channels called “vessels” that are filled with one-way valves, so it always moves in the same direction. The main lymph vessels run up the legs, up the arms and up the torso. This is why the vertical up-and-down movement of rebounding is so effective to pump the lymph.

Vigorous exercise such as rebounding [jumping on a mini-trampoline] is reported to increase lymph flow by 15 to 30 times. Also, bones become stronger with exercise. Vertical motion workouts such as rebounding are much different and much more beneficial and efficient than horizontal motion workouts, such as jogging or running. Rebounding only a few minutes daily can increase lymphatic functions.

“The lymphatic [flow] becomes very active during exercise but sluggish under resting conditions,” states Arthur C. Guyton, M.D., chairman of the department of Physiology and Biophysics at the University of Mississippi School of Medicine and author of Basic Human Physiology. “During exercise, the rate of lymph flow can increase to as high as 14 times normal because of the increased activity.” This happens because the lymph ducts expand during trampolining. The increased lymph flow flushes more toxins through the lymphatic system.

NASA scientists have discovered that rebounding is 68% more effective as a form of exercise compared to jogging even though one requires less effort. It is just as effective in improving upper and lower body strength as lifting weights at the gym. It is safer considering the damages one would incur when lifting weights such as torn muscles. Rebounding also proves a better sport than swimming which is an all-round sport.

Mr. George Irungu, one of the directors of Thrifty Innovations in Kenya and Tanzania that supplies Thrifty Trampolines in Kenya and Tanzania, advises prospective customers to ensure they consider the brand of the product, the warranty provided and whether the trampoline company has the capacity to provide after-sale services. If you purchase a trampoline from a shop or an individual who cannot supply worn-out fittings when needed, then that may force you to buy another whole trampoline after some time.

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