How do you measure a trampoline mat?

To determine the size of your trampoline mat, follow these three easy steps:

Start by measuring the steel frame’s diameter

Begin by measuring the diameter of the trampoline’s steel frame. To determine the diameter of the trampoline in feet, measure the distance between its outer edges. Take two measurements, one from the 12 to 6 o’clock position and the other from the 3 to 9 o’clock position, envisioning the trampoline as a clock from a top-down perspective. The average of these two measurements is the estimated size of your trampoline frame. You can usually round to the nearest foot, so if you get a measurement of 13 feet 11 inches, you can round it up to 14 feet.

Count how many V-Rings your old mat has.

To avoid confusion, it’s best to keep track of your starting point. Typically, the total number of V-Rings can be divided by 12, such as 72 or 96, although this may not be the case all the time . It is essential to recount the number at least two or three times to ensure accuracy. In the absence of your old mat, you may count the number of holes on the top rail of your trampoline frame.

Find out how long your springs are

Step 3 involves determining the length of your trampoline springs. To do this, select at least three springs and measure the distance from one end of the hook to the other. It’s crucial to ensure that the springs are fully extended and not under any strain. To verify this, attempt to slide a piece of paper between the coils. If you can do so, the spring is not fully extended and should not be used for measurement purposes. Take the average of the three springs’ lengths to determine the overall length of your springs. It’s critical not to underestimate or overestimate the length of your springs, as either mistake can lead to issues with the trampoline’s performance. Underestimation could result in excessive stress on the new mat, causing it to break prematurely, while overestimation could result in a poorly performing trampoline with a lack of bounce.

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