How does trampolining compare to jogging?

Truth be told, not many people enjoy a jog or a run in the morning. There are many aspects to deal with starting with the pain in the limbs, the sweating and other external factors like traffic. All this is in the name of good health but on the other hand, you get the same benefits from bouncing on the trampoline.

The main demerit of jogging is the amount of stress exerted on the lower limbs and the feet. The jogging increases the pressure on the feet up to four times the weight of the jogger meaning that a person weighing 150 pounds exerts 600 pounds of pressure on the lower limbs and other joints where the weight would be felt.

Using the trampoline takes off almost 80% of the body weight thus reducing the pressure on the joints. The trampoline is not only suitable for children but for the elderly who would normally lead a sedentary life with no strenuous activity. It provides a safe option for the physically challenged and for those who have recently started engaging in physical activity.


What you gain from trampolining

The many health benefits of trampolining would explain why so many people have decided to engaging in this bouncing activity. One of the less commonly known health benefits is reduction of cellulite. If you would like to know more, you can see other documents on the subject.

As crazy as it sounds, trampolining is a form of exercise like any other. You reap the same benefits as you would from jogging and in the comfort of your home. It is a good recreational activity suitable for every member of the family. With this said, there is no need to have one for the children and adults when you can have several for different age groups in the household.


What are the specific benefits?

In trampolining, less pressure is applied to the weight-bearing joints hence it is much more beneficial to your body than running. In fact recent research has shown it to be three times more beneficial; 10 minutes of bouncing is equivalent to a half hour run. You can gain more knowledge on the benefits of trampolining by looking through other subjects on the matter. The references are listed at the end of the article.

Rebounder or trampoline has health benefits as listed below:

  • Stimulation of the metabolism
  • Increased oxygen capacity
  • Improved body balance
  • Increased oxygen circulation to the tissues
  • Enhanced circulation of the lymph system through the lymph glands
  • Stronger heart and cardiovascular system
  • Increased energy and alertness
  • Strengthened and tone muscles

Above all, rebounding is fun, interactive and enjoyable. These two attributes enable more people to try it and at a higher frequency. This way they get maximum benefits from the trampoline. It is a holistic approach to both physical and mental growth for children and adults. It has been recommended due to its efficiency as a form of exercise and its convenience compared to other ground based exercises such as running.

Own a Trampoline in Kenya by ordering a Hudora German quality Trampoline from Thrifty Enterprises Limited. This will surely be the best investment you will have made for your family in your lifetime!



HUDORA trampolines have been tested and certified under EU legislation and fully complies with German standards of TUV and GS for health and safety.

To order call: +254722724893



Quality Trampolines in Kenya


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