Four Things to Consider When Buying a Rebounder

A mini trampoline or rebounder seems like a pass-time gadget rather than a serious health and financial investment. Indeed, there are many long-term benefits to gain from your coveted rebounder in Kenya, apart from the repetitive bounces and the adrenaline rush.

The outdoor parameters of installation and workouts differ from the indoor. Understanding your options will minimize accidents and reduce overall maintenance costs.

So, consider the four main fundamental factors for a better experience.

  1. Target exercise

A mini trampoline exercise involves freestyle jumps, a punctuated set of routines, or a follow-up class. Significantly, you need to focus on the body parts you wish to engage, like the back, core, abs, thighs, biceps, and neck muscles.

Getting a corresponding trampoline mat that gives you a good experience can be a headache for many. However, understanding your mission helps you overcome the hurdle to get the best bouncing intensity for your dream journey.

  1. Adequate aeration

Fast repetitive jumps on a bouncing rebounder trigger acceleration in cardio-muscular activities. Deep breathing helps oxygenated blood to flow better and optimizes your brain functions.

Place your mini trampoline near open windows or areas with adequate aeration. Some benefits of proper breathing during exercise are longer workouts, resilience building, and fewer muscle burnouts.

  1. Rebounder size

Creating a space before you bring in the mini trampoline is prudent. The gadget needs to create happiness and not antagonize the normalcy you enjoy if you have a family.

The majority of the rebounders in Kenya measure about 36 and 48 inches in diameter. Significantly, have a secure storage space if you can. If not, ensure the mini trampoline does not obstruct the everyday activities of the house.

  1. Interior flooring

Most mini trampolines come with four to six tiny metallic or hard plastic legs to hold them securely on the floor. Over time, these legs can cause friction or scratch damage on the subfloor where the rebounder stands.

A rubber mat offers secondary protection for your floor and lowers floor repair costs. The leg caps wear and tear with time, but your house remains safe with the rubber mat buffer on the floor. Additionally, the rubber helps keep the trampoline intact, increasing the lifespan of the rubber caps on the metallic legs.


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